Conversions and Imports
Changing software programs is never an easy task. It takes time and patience. Allow me to take on the task of converting your HOA data from your prior software or from the previous management company into your software. With my 10 years of experience you can rest assured that the data will be transferred over successfully and the property will be setup correctly.
Monthly and Quarterly Financials
With my 10 years of experience in training and support on accounting and property management software programs, I have the extended knowledge of processing monthly and quarterly financials for several types of associations. From small associations to master plan communities with several departments, I am able to identify and manage the appropriate financial reports needed for these types of properties. Allow me to help you produce accurate monthly and quarterly financials for your associations and board members.
Other Services
As you use your software you may find that there are several areas that you just don't have time to setup or take advantage of to make you a top competitor in your territory. Allow me to help you build up your program and enable you to take advantage of these advanced features in the software. Some of these items are:
- HTML Template design
- Web portal setup
- Compliance Setup
- Compliance Letter Templates
- Delinquency Letter Templates
- Resident Letter Templates
- Delinquency Processing
- Setup of a Master Template
- Review of your current properties
- FileFusion Reporting
- And more...